August 11, 2022
August 11, 2022
Y’all know we normally get these pictures with the big Hub Bicycles sign, but it was pouring when Jimmy picked up this FX +2 - however, we could not let him get out of here without a picture.
Jimmy Peebles is a resident of Sparta, Georgia. He and his very sweet wife, Belinda, are firm believers in rails to trail paths and what they can do for small towns. In October when the @georgiahilo puts on the Athens to Savannah ride they will be there with snacks, big smiles and a lot of cheering for the riders. They also were involved in Kids Bike League as supporters and an extra set of arms when they were needed. Here at The Hub we’re so glad they chose us to help them find the perfect birthday bike for Jimmy. Now, they’ve just got to agree on where they’re going to park his newest whip!
#gobybike #ridebikeshavefun #ridebikesbehappy #ebike #trekbikes #kidsbikeleague #athenstosavannah #localbikeshop #athensga #hubbikes